Government Acquisition, Procurement, and Contract Management


What’s Going On?

Fellows’ Gala Smashing Success!

We recently transitioned websites, so catching up on plugging in our recent happenings.

You did not want to miss the Fellows’ Gala! NCMA’s best and brightest acquisition professionals gathered on Friday, November 8, 2019 at the Kimpton Hotel Monaco in Washington, DC to celebrate our local Fellows from around the region. The NCMA Fellows designation recognizes those who have made significant contributions to the field of contract management and to NCMA. It is the second-highest award given by the association.

The evening, hosted by Francis Rose of Government Matters, featured a red carpet, Fellows’ cocktail hour, and keynote remarks by Dr. Michael Wooten, the Administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP). In addition to a killer party, the event raised over $2,500 for an Arlington-based charity, Doorways for Women in Families. The charity creates pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence, and sexual assault so that women and families can lead safe, stable, and empowered lives.

A special thank you to our sponsors - Hui Huliau, IHG, and FWDthink - and to the Gala’s steering committee, led by Ray McCollum and Rabiah Sutton, for making this wonderful event possible! We can’t wait to do it again in 2020.

Jennifer Aubel